Concettina Gangemi (Bachelor of Education) Singer, Studio Teacher of Art, Craft, Singing, Piano, Music, Drama,  Italian for Beginners via Music and Drama and Action Research Practitioner. Experienced K-6  Primary school teacher.  Studied the Reggio Emilia Approach in Italy REAIE member  

NSW, Term 2 from April 18 2021:  Currently I offer lessons in piano, singing, drawing, painting, craft – sewing, music theory and musicianship, drama, music groups face to face. (Online lessons for the above might be considered on special request)  A copy of the COVID 19 Plan for face to face and terms and conditions will be emailed to you for you to read before commencing the free trial lesson. Creative Kids Vouchers are also accepted.

Three twenty minute complimentary online lessons via Zoom (to be confirmed for 2021) for full fee paying students 1. Music Aural Training; 2. Italian via Music and Drama (Wednesdays 6.15 pm – 6.35 pm confirmed for TERM 2 2021) and; 3. Art Project.

“Concettina Gangemi” is an official NSW Creative Kids provider!

To redeem your $100.00 voucher for a 10 week Music course contact Concettina
directly on 0478018918. You will need the Service NSW Creative Kids voucher number, your child’s full name and date of birth and the parent/guardian’s
contact number and email. Contact Concettina for tuition fee information.

Program  for singing and piano

Concettina teaches singing for all ages. Concettina offers a holistic approach to learning

 Singing is combining a planned program with an improvised program. The planned work is blended with a fluid approach where the studio teacher is responding to the students. This can lead to discussions and new experiences. The program is flexible. The content is discussed with the students.  The choice of music are selected to meet the students’ needs and interests. Some students may like to follow the Australian Music Examination Syllabus.  If they don’t wish to do exams they can choose repertoire with teacher’s guidance that suits their goals.


Singing lessons aim to help the students develop musical and technical skills to help them sing informally or in formal situations.

The studio teacher will facilitate the creative process by following this singing program structure.

The technical work aims to develop the following:

  • Posture
  • Breath management
  • Intonation
  • Clear vowels
  • Clear even tone
  • True self
  • Melodic line
  • musical concepts: beat, dynamics, rhythm, pitch, structure, tempo and organising sound.

The song studies aim to develop the following

  • Accurate performance
  • Application of technical work into the songs
  • Legato
  • Consistency of pitch
  • Appropriate style and phrasing
  • Application of drama elements into the interpretation of music and text.
  • Careful and clear presentation of words (vowels and consonants)


  • Aural training (practise aural exercises e.g. interval training, harmony work)
  • Sight reading exercises in time, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics, articulation and style)

 General Knowledge:

  • Background knowledge about the composer or text or song
  • Content of the text

Current Draft Timetable: (LIMITED SPACES available)

Private lessons are arranged based on teacher’s availability  and student preferences. Time slots can be changed depending on everyone’s needs.

Let Concettina know what times and days suit you best and she will try her best to accommodate your request.


Contact Concettina for further information:  0478 018 918